
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Historical but yet so modern.... MILAN

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II
Mesmerized, magnetized and spellbound are amongst the hundreds of emotions I conceived when I first set my feet on the grounds of Milano, how the locals Milanese calls the renowned historical but yet modern city of Milan the capital of Lombardy, Italy.

Italy, yes! Italy, a country far-famed because it's a boot-shape land area, pizza and the "al dente" spaghetti commonly called by the Milanese as pasta, and not to forget the heavenly aroma of the Italian cafe espresso. Aside from being exquisite, ancient and historical, Italy is also well known or should I say celebrated with it's considerably architectural achievements and gastronomical success all over the world.

I am a Filipina, a dreamer, a fashion designer by profession who also loves writing and considers myself as a blogger, a lover, a traveler and most of all a first timer in a European country. I must admit with all my heart that I fell in love with the city at first glance and definitely very sure of coming back to visit Milan that captured my heart and stomach.

Touring myself and walking around the city center for hours and hours is such a great fun. I had my eyes full and euphoric witnessing all the "negozi di famosi stilisti" like Armani, D&G, Prada, Versace etc. which are all placed in one street. I was like a hungry stomach being fed for a long time making myself satisfied, for my eyes are enjoying seeing and didn't really bother me at all, even my feet were sore and suffering from blisters due to walking for a very long hours.

Being partly destroyed by second world war bomb raids, the city has rebuilt itself astonishingly into a thriving cosmopolitan business capital. Rolling my eyes around the city I couldn't help myself but to get impressed with all the old and modern, wealthy, decorative historical buildings confusing me if it is a residential or a commercial building. Old gothic churches are everywhere in the streets of Milan, from one street to another you'll come across historical churches, and the grandest and most historical of all is the famous "Duomo di Milano", accordingly took nearly 6 centuries to complete the largest cathedral in Italian state and the 5th largest in the world and stands 107m.

Duomo di Milano

After a long walk, I finally arrived at the grandest cathedral. Standing in front of the holy gate of the Duomo di Milano and experiencing it's magnificent beauty in front of me had set my big eyes to a sudden tear and gave me goosebumps for once a kid I never ever thought that I will be able to see it in real. I was ecstatic, I don't know how to explain the collections of feelings I had that time, but one thing I know is for sure, that all is real and not a dream. "Out of words" and was in awe gazing and innocently passing my hands through the detailed, sculptured bronze gates of the Cathedral, awkward, but I must admit that it was my first time to see such an intricate work of art, I should pay homage and praise the very talented artist and creator of all these as it is really well done, oh well it's Milan Italy, I almost forgot that aside from many beautiful things Italy has, it's a country where most of the renowned talented people came from. I shouldn't be surprised as we in general know how artistic Italians are.

My trip exploring Milan didn't end there ,but the journey exploring the Cathedral was just starting as I took the chance to go inside and experienced the artistic museum like interior of  the grandest and one of the largest Duomo/Cathedral in the world. And to my surprise again, I was astonished, inside was like a trance, bringing me back to an old historical world, I fell in love with the longest, widest aisle I've ever seen, the majestic holy altar adorned with the historical relics and statue carefully and artistically crafted, the authentic, aged and  slightly faded well preserved paintings on walls and ceiling are a treasure itself, the "vetrate" or we usually call the colourful stained glass, are stunningly enormous in size, it is exceptional, really exceptional, what you see from the interior is twice the beauty of the exterior.

In every trip we learn something, we treasure everything, and memory gets fascinating, moments like these were kept and will never be forgotten, some helped us to grow and some made us want to stay in the magical world thinking not to leave as it is the best ever, little did we know that there's more to come, that life is like a bucket that needs to be fulfilled with memories and moments to treasure to educate us and learn from it. I learned something great, and which is that academic education is something we keep to use in every battle of our life, but educating ourselves from our own experiences in life is far more than the academic achievements.

"Don't judge the book by it's cover" doesn't really apply for Duomo di Milan the pride of Italians, because what you see outside is what you will really get inside or even more....

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